York Summer 10K

Friday 09 June 2023
Start time : 18:30

This is the second of our 4 seasonal 10km series, 10 laps of the 1km cycle circuit

The events take part at 6.30 on a Friday evening, one race per season.

Each runner will receive a bespoke medal (new design for 2023) and goody bag

Those who come along and take part in person at all 4 events, will also receive a finisher's t-shirt as a thank you from us for supporting our live events.  T shirts will be ordered after the final event in December and will also be available to purchase for anyone who couldn't attend 1 or more events in person.

The events will be chip timed.

Full race instructions will be e-mailed to entrants 1 week before the event and race numbers and timing chips will be collected at registration at the event.

There will be homemade cakes and treats at the finish for all.

Affiliated £20.00

Unattached £22.00


York Sports Village
Lakeside Way
YO10 5FG

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