Four Seasons in One Day 10k

Friday 24 September 2021
Start time : 18:30

At See York Run York we love our 4 Seasons 10k series.  One 10k event each season on a Friday evening to earn a set of 4 fabulous medals. COVID meant that most of our 2020 series had to be completed virtually and we have been unable to host our usual series in 2021.  

However, we have been able to secure the 1k cycle track at the York Sports Village to host an evening 10k event that we are calling Four Seasons in One Day.

Everything that you would expect from our usual Four Season's events on one evening.  Chip timed, 10 laps of the 1k cycle circuit, bespoke medal to all finishers, chocolate goody bag and lots of home baked cakes.

A super fast course for anyone aiming to beat their 10k PB and earn a PB badge and ring the PB bell. No time cut off for anyone wanting to try the 10k distance for the first time or improve their previous 10k.

Changing and showers available at York Sports Village and free car parking at the Kimberlow Lane Car park, just a short walk away from the track.

Affiliated £18.00

Unattached £20.00


York Sports Village
Lakeside Way
YO10 5FG

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